
Student Discipline Committee



Minutes of the meeting of the Student Discipline Committee held on 14 June 2011.

Members: A M Mumford (Chair), J Blackwell, J B C Blood, S A Brown, J Cownley (ab),

L Davidson (ab), F T Edum-Fotwe, F Fay, K Halliday (ab), N Honey, L Hopkins (ab), R M King, A Lucas-Pettit (ab), A Muir (ab), E Paterson (ab), M Shuker (ab), R Smith (ab), J A M Strong, A Swinscoe (ab), J B Thomas, A Watson (ab).


By invitation: P P Conway (ab), R J Kennedy, J C Nutkins (ab), C N Walker, N Thomas.


In attendance: C Dunbobbin, J R Thomas.


Apologies for absence: J Cownley, L Davidson, K Halliday, L Hopkins, A Lucas-Pettit, A Muir, J C Nutkins, E Paterson, R Smith, A Swinscoe.


11/6     Minutes


          The minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2011 were confirmed as a true record.


11/7     Matters Arising from the Minutes


7.1       Referrals (minute 11/2.1 refers)

There had been a small number of cases since the last Committee meeting where students found guilty of drug/alcohol-related offences had been provided with advice on help and support available within the University and elsewhere.


7.2       Case Studies (minute 11/2.2 refers)

The Acting Chief Operating Officer was giving further consideration to the proposal to publish anonymised case studies, containing details of penalties imposed by Student Disciplinary Panels, on the LSU website, in support of its Better Decisions campaign.


7.3       Guidelines on Discipline and Fining in Hall (minute 11/4.2 refers)

The Senior Warden had provided updated Guidelines on Discipline and Fining in Hall (see minute 11/10.2).


7.4       Cycling Safety (minute 11/4.3 refers)

An action remained on the secretary to check that cycling safety had been incorporated into LSU’s Better Decisions campaign. ACTION: Secretary


11/8     Amendments to Ordinance XVII – Conduct and Discipline of Students



The Committee resolved to recommend to Senate and Council amendments to Ordinance XVII, to empower Hall Wardens to consider Minor Offence charges against all students in relation to breaches of Regulation XIX governing Hall Committees. It was noted in discussion that students living off-campus, who were involved in the organisation of prohibited events could be disciplined by the Community Warden, and/or the Security Manager (Minor), or by the Chief Operating Officer (Major).


11/9     Major Offences 2010-11 (up to 3 May 2011)



9.1       The Committee received a summary of Major Offences dealt with by Student Disciplinary Panels in the 2010-11 academic year up to 3 May 2011. The Chair thanked members who had acted as Panel members.



9.2       The Committee considered a paper from the Chair on penalties imposed for Major Offences in 2010-11.


            During 2010-11, Panels had been more inclined than in previous years to impose a combination of suspended fines, community service penalties, and other penalties (such as requiring students to meet with senior members of University staff (e.g. the Director of IT Services where the student had been in breach of the University’s Acceptable IT Use Policy)), as opposed to larger fines. Generally, imposing community service had been considered more effective than fining, because it was felt that most or all students valued their time, whereas financial circumstances and attitudes to debt could vary significantly. Suspended fines were considered to be effective in influencing future behavior.


            The following points were noted in discussion:


i)                 There was support for the approach referred to above. It was important, however, that a link between penalties imposed for Major and Minor offences was maintained, and in particular that there was a perceptible escalation in the severity of penalties imposed for Major offences in order to reflect their greater level of seriousness. It was noted in this context that where a student was referred to a Panel, having committed a series of Minor offences, the penalty imposed should usually be greater than that normally imposed for the minor offences concerned. However, no such repeat cases had been considered by Panels during 2010-11.


ii)                It was very rare for students to reoffend having been found guilty of a major offence. This appeared to indicate that Panels were operating effectively with regard to the imposition of penalties.


iii)              There was support for the suggestion that Panels considered other penalties which placed restrictions on the use of specified University or LSU facilities. It was noted in this context that Panels had, on previous occasions, banned students from using University sporting facilities for a specified period, where the students concerned had been found guilty of offences connected to a sporting event or activity. It was agreed that the Chair would discuss with LSU whether, as a general principle, it would be prepared to ban students from its premises on the recommendation of Student Disciplinary Panels. ACTION: Chair


iv)              It was difficult to reach a judgement on whether Panels were being consistent in the imposition of penalties, based on the summary in DISC11-P6. It was agreed, therefore, that future summaries would include a note of any aggravating and/or mitigating factors. ACTION: Secretary


v)               The Committee supported the proposal that where community service penalties were imposed, the students concerned should be given a more immediate action to contact LSU, and a shorter period in which to complete the allocated hours. They should also be very clearly notified that should they fail to complete their hours by the specified deadline, they would be subject to further disciplinary action.


11/10   Minor Offences



10.1     The Committee noted minor offences reported during the period 22 January 2011 to 31 May 2011.



10.2     The Committee received an updated copy of the guidelines on Discipline and Fining in Hall for use by hall wardens when imposing penalties for minor offences.


11/11   Valedictory


The Committee recorded its thanks to the following, who would be retiring as members of the Committee at the end of the 2010-11 academic year: Roger Kennedy (who was retiring from the University), John Thomas, Ruth King, and all of the LSU representatives. The Committee noted further that Francis Edum-Fotwe and Jackie Strong had reached the end of their existing terms, but were both eligible to continue as members, and would be doing so. The Chair thanked all members for their contributions during the 2010-11 academic year.


11/12   Dates of Meetings in 2011-12


Would be circulated by the Secretary as soon as they were confirmed.


11/13   Any Other Business


It was noted that car-parking places close to the Hazelrigg Building were limited, and that this caused difficulties for lay members coming to the meeting from off campus. ACTION: Secretary to provide advice to lay members on available parking spaces as close as possible to the Hazelrigg Building.


Author – C Dunbobbin

June 2011
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